Wednesday, March 28, 2018

5 Ways to Get Those Early Morning Workouts DONE!

I have never been much of an early riser and I have definitely never been a sweetheart in the morning, (my TM can verify the "morning monster syndrome"). When it comes to waking up, I can pretty much make up any excuse to sleep in longer...even 20 minuets seems like a lifetime. 

While I tried adding in my workout during the day, I noticed I was always stressing about when it would actually get done. If it was during nap, someone would go on strike which means I couldn't focus on me and therefore was super annoyed. I tried to do it at night after the kids went to bed, but by that time I just want to sit for a minute...or go to bed.

One day I just decided enough was enough. I needed to get up in the wee morning hours, while the kids were fast asleep and just get it done. I knew from my previous experiences with early morning workouts (pre-kids when I went to cycle class at 5 am 3 time a week) that it was a total day changer. I always felt amazing after, alert, alive and SO accomplished. That and I felt like I had SO much extra time on my hands not having to stress about how to squeeze in a sweat session. 

I know what you are all thinking, "Em, you cray. There is NO way I am waking from the few hours of sleep I do get, to get  up, in the dark mind you, and workout". I get that, I really do. But, I assure you, if and when you make the choice to do these early workouts, you won't regret it. Not only is there the mental weight lifted about when you are going to make time for your healthy self, but you start the day off feeling energized and ready to take on anything.

1. Have a plan:  Know what you are going to do. Don't just plan to wake up and wing it, uh-uh. You will no doubt blow it off in a sleepy haze. Whether it be run, abs assault, tushy toning, power hour...have a plan. There are a ton of quick and effective workouts to choose from, so decide and commit. If you need an entire workout plan to stick to with and a no-brainer approach, then try Daily Burn. Great program schedules to try and it is free for 30 days!

2. Lay it out: Once you know what you are going to do, have all your supplies in your fitness space. If you are going to lift, get your weight set out and ready to go. If you are running, set your shoes by the door with your hand weights and tune belt (if you use those items as I do). Also, place the clothes you are going to wear in plain sight. That way, you can roll out of bed, throw them on, brush your teeth and GO! There is no greater shame than picking up all that healthy preparation greater shame.

3. Determine motivation: What will it be? Your favorite coffee after working out? Making and enjoying your go-to veggie scramble in peace? Getting a manicure after 4 early morning workouts? Whatever will motivate you, focus on it. Decide what will get you out of bed and active a few days a week and continue to look forward to whatever will do the trick. For me, it is drinking my favorite decaf/abeulita treat while eating a tasty post-sweat breakfast in absolute utter silence...and eating suuuuuper slow for once!

4. Set alarm(s): The more the better in this case...heck, put one across the room to force your lazy butt up for all I care, just GET UP. I have a bedside, phone AND Fitbit alarm, #boom.  When the three won't quit, I know it is time to get up or be guilt ridden and self loathing the rest of the day. Now that I have been doing this for months. I even naturally wake up at 4:23, hop out of bed EXCITED (yes that's right, excited) to workout...I never thought waking that early would have me excited. Never.

5. Get up and get it done: Do it for G sake. Get up, knock it out and feel the immediate benefits. Once you get going and those endorphins take over you won't regret your choice. You will be energized all day and ready to take whatever comes your way. Start stress free and look forward to the opportunity to exercise your mind and body before taking on the world. It takes 66 days to create a new habit, take it one day at a time and in a few months you too will be pumped to get up, get it done and be freeeeeeee all day! Plus, you will be amazed what you can get done when the kids are still sleeping!

Are you ready to make early morning workouts part of your weekly routine?

(PS: Follow Thriving Wives on Pinterest to catch all of my favorite fast, at home, start your day off right workouts!)

Stive to thrive, 

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