Welcome to Thriving Wives! Traditional housewife meets modern superwoman. With a passion to do and have it all we take on everyday with one goal...Strive to Thrive.

We invite you to join us in the kitchen where we’ll Eat, and share our collection of culinary adventures and favorite family feasts. Next we can Sweat together, sharing rockin’ body blasters and mental cleansing moves. Let’s Thrive together to stay motivated and seeing the bright side of life. We welcome you home with Nest, and share our gorgeously green tips and frugal fab finds. Lastly, we want to share our Love, everything in life that makes us smile.
Meet the wives that started it all...

Nic and Em met while attending Chico State University in the early two thousands. While we had knowledge of who the other was, we didn’t really get to hang out until our boyfriends introduced us. Our relationship quickly extended beyond our (then) boyfriends (now husbands) and blossomed into a genuine friendship. We spent the rest of our collegiate careers as great friends and the years that followed made us even stronger. Our friendship soon became to define itself beyond the men in our lives.
Throughout our camaraderie we realized that we both possessed some impressive talents. After many empty comments of, “Man, we should totally start a blog”, we got serious.
With Nicolle having crazy talents for all things tech, grammar and making ideas a reality, to Emilia's ever motivated, fitness certified, traditional housewife and "make the best of life" self...Thriving Wives was born. With five little boys between the two of us, we take our goal of striving to thrive seriously!

As our families have grown and lives have changed, we look forward to a collective future welcoming other like minded women who share our passion. If you feel you too are a Thriving Wife with great ideas and would like to contribute, please contact us at thrivingwives@gmail.com ...we would love to meet you!
Feel free to contact us for information about sponsorship, giveaways, and any other partnership ideas!
Main photos by Sasha Tracy of Phoenix Blyss Photography
All other photos by Thriving Wives (unless otherwise noted)
All other photos by Thriving Wives (unless otherwise noted)
Graphics by Nicolle Kasch
Lavanderia Font from Lost Type Co-Op
In this new era of Pinterest and Tumblr and all sorts of random blogs, it's getting VERY difficult to pinpoint the original location of images found on the 'net. That being said, we try our hardest to give credit where credit is due, but sometimes it's pretty impossible. If we are using your image please contact us and we'd be happy to link to you. info at thriving-wives dot com.
Lavanderia Font from Lost Type Co-Op
In this new era of Pinterest and Tumblr and all sorts of random blogs, it's getting VERY difficult to pinpoint the original location of images found on the 'net. That being said, we try our hardest to give credit where credit is due, but sometimes it's pretty impossible. If we are using your image please contact us and we'd be happy to link to you. info at thriving-wives dot com.
where did you find the burito baby in the chipotle wrapping? asking for a friend