How to Dress Twin Boys on a Budget
Having two babies can, at times, be a bit pricey. Those big ticket items that can't be avoided, aka, car seats, cribs, double stroller....can add up. Being a pretty savvy shopper, I am proud to say I have never stressed about getting my two angels everything they need...which also includes clothes for my non-stop growing little men.
Clarkey-puss rocking his sassy Fall hat (which I got last summer on clearance of course) |
Peanut (J.R.) rocking his hat too...while playing with every toy in his room at the same time! |
For all you mommies out there, you know how quickly your littles go through sizes. Not to mention, almost everything you buy/get from others is going to fit differently, no matter what the tag says. It is easy to get wrapped up in going crazy on buying those itty bitty cute clothes, but, in reality, my boys wore none of it. When they were tiny, I wanted them to be cozy while snuggling at home, what newborn wants to be in khakis and a sweater vest? Not to mention, all my boys did (and still do) is eat, poop and get decided to refocus my spending energy on a functional wardrobe. Cozy, cute and affordable! Here are some of my tips to keep your boys looking good on a budget....
Their selection of tops.... |
Their selection of bottoms... |
Mix it Up: I am all about a good mix n' pair. I like to style my dudes and I like options. Since I never have the boys match each other,but rather compliment, I don't ever buy two of the exact same thing. Not only does that double my choices for their outfits, but I can buy just a few things and have lots of different outfit combos. I can do double prints, solids and stripes, graphic and plain...I mean, so many choices!
Keep it Cozy: I know personally, when I am home, I am cozy. The minute I get home from anywhere, I shed my "real clothes" and put on my cozies and stat. I expect nothing else from my babies. We have a no jean rule when at home, so cozy sweat shorts and soft fabrics are a MUST. We have a nice little basket full of choices so we are always comfy when hanging out at home.
Go Big: When I see clearance items, I buy them. Since I am at Target so often, I always take a moment to cruise by and see what is going on in the baby section. Now, my two are wearing 2T, but when I spotted some 3T and 4T shorts for the low price of $2.25, you can BET I bought a couple. Don't pass up a deal on things that may not fit right this second, you won't believe how soon they will fit perfectly! I hate to see my boys stuffed into muscle tees with their little bellies hanging over too tight shorts and pants. No, no, no, that just won't do. Let them breathe a bit and buy the next size up.
Spend wisely: For the most part, my boys wear clothes that were either a gift or that I bought on sale with a coupon. There are definitely times when I splurge on a special item from a lovely little indie shop, but that is rare. So, when you do decide to get sassy, make it count. I choose to spend money on Freshly Picked moccs as I wanted to support the development of their perfect little feet and they are just so cute!
Reuse & Accept: I never, I repeat never, shy away from a hand me down. Why would I want to go out and buy new when I can get something amazing, worn and loved, for free?! Nic and I love this so much we even created our own Thriving Maternity wardrobe and plan to share our baby boy clothes for years to come! And while I don't typically head to Goodwill or garage sales to seek out clothes, I also don't turn up my nose when my Thriving Mommy brings me some killer finds (and even goes a step further by washing them a few times for me as I can sometimes get a bit creeped out by random germs). Not only will I reuse clothes from others, but I even reuses clothes I wore as a baby! My TM saved most of my clothes, so I really get to have fun dressing my boys in a little 80's throwback.
Love these Joe's jeans passed down by my SIL. |
This cozy flannel came from Goodwill and is super soft and warm for a good layered look |
Love this Lacoste sweater (that can also be a vest) was mine as a little one and now my boys can rock it too! |
It may not look like my boys have lots of clothes as they don't have a closet or even dresser full...just two shelves...but, trust, they have more than they know what to do with! I am positive I have saved hundreds of dollars keeping these two looking good!
What shopping tricks do you use to buy kids clothes on a budget?
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