Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fitness & Consistency

Falling in love with fitness isn't something that comes naturally to most. Training yourself to need exercise is not something that happens overnight. Teaching yourself to create new habits and change your life is not something that will be easy. It is a commitment that requires daily attention and the ability to force yourself to do things you may not always want to do. But if it was easy, then everyone would do it. The hardest things in life are always the ones worth working for. Allowing fitness to become a key component of your daily life means you have to be consistent.

After getting back to my pre-baby weight, I started to slow down on breastfeeding which eliminated a huuuuuuge calorie burn from my day. Soon after, I was back at work while also taking care of two busy toddlers, running my home and trying to fit in a little "me" time when I could. Needless to say, my fitness routines started getting a bit too sporadic for my liking. I noticed I wasn't feeling great from my lack of exercise and often was taking out my frustrations on my poor, sweet TH. I knew I had to make working out more of a daily priority and bring back some consistency. Not only would I feel better but I knew I would look better too.

I got out my calendar and made a game plan. Thankfully, the days I work now included an after school training sesh with my new bestie and bride to be, E. I started to look forward to going to work because I knew after the students left, I would be able to partake in my true passion, fitness.  Our routines consisted of me teaching my beloved cycle, circuit training, conditioning and we are even starting to kick box! The days I was home with the boys I dedicated their first nap to running out in my forest for 30 minutes to reboot in the fresh air with some all terrain cardio.

Each day after my workout, I run to my calendar and write my activities. Seeing the days add up was thrilling. Since I am a visual person, I knew myself well enough to know I wanted to watch my progress.  Seeing each little box on my calendar get filled in and the weeks have nothing but writing seemed to add even more pep to my step.

Hey, every now and then is better than nothing. But what if you just totally committed yourself to nothing less than three days a week? Then four...then five? Working out every once in a while is good and all, but if you can make make a consistent effort to work out multiple times a week, you will surely see/feel results.

Need a bit more direction? Check out this 5 week plan that is totally done for you!
I am barely a month back in the swing of daily workouts, but I can tell you I am already feeling 100 times better. While it isn't always easy to find the time, I decided I needed to stop looking for this "time" and make it myself. As they say, "Consistency is key!"

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