Thursday, October 19, 2017

5 Reasons to say YES to Self-Care

I sometimes think we as women were designed to put others first. We naturally would do anything for our loved ones, especially our children and seem to accept that our wants and needs are at the bottom of the list.

But is that really how it should be?  I don't think so.  In order to be the best you, you have to put yourself first and here is the catch, NOT feel bad about it.

This idea of self-care has always been important to me as I am pretty in tune with my mental health and very open about my vanity (at least I am being honest). Now that I am a mommy, finding time for myself is tricky. I am often torn between feeling disgusting or battling guilt to get away and stop feeling disgusting.

1. HEALTHY WIFE, THRIVING LIFE. I often feel terrible taking time for myself, but if I don't do it I am miserable. For example, I know I need to exercise at least 20 minutes a day -  no matter what. Whether that means the kids are crawling around under foot, fighting, screaming, making messes or driving me nutty, it doesn't matter, I have to finish that workout...even if it takes hours. If I put it off or ditch it all together I feel horrible the rest of the day and it isn't fair to myself or my family. I need to put my health first in order to thrive.

2. HIGH-MAI IS THE NEW LOW-MAI. While I don't consider myself high-maintenance, I undergo regular beauty treatments in an effort to be low maintenance. WTF does that mean you ask...? Let me explain.

Since I no longer get my hair done (I used to be bleach blond...not the best phase of my life), nor tan, nor get monthly facials, nor weekly manicures, nor bi-monthly wax sessions, nor take two hour gym sessions, I feel I am somehow justified in my current indulgences

For example, if I don't have my nails done I feel super gross. I cannot do chipped polish (nor a color for that matter, I am a OPI Bubble Bath girl) and since I have a horrible cuticle picking habit I decided that I was going to commit to long lasting gel polish every three weeks in an effort to keep my dish washing, diaper changing, laundry folding hands looking classy. Do I feel bad about it? NO. I only have to sneak away every few weeks for an hour and the rest of the month my slightly pink tips are polished and looking fresh...therefore, I am feeling fresh.

3. YOU LOOK GOOD, YOU FEEL GOOD. Notice how you just feel better when you get all dressed up, get a fresh blow out and throw on some lashes. Well, it happens. When you look good, you feel good. And I when I look in the mirror at any point of the day/night, I want to feel good about it. So, instead of going through endless amounts of mascara trying to find one that doesn't end up sprinkled under my eyes each day, I decided to get lash extensions. Is it a commitment? YES. Is it beyond worth the money/time to get them done and feel amazing each morning when I look in the mirror at the hot mess staring back at me who has perfect lashes? YES. The precious hour I get every two weeks to sit with my eyes closed in silence only sweetens the deal. If it makes you look good and feel good, DO IT.

4. YOU DESERVE IT. Instead of feeling guilty about the few little things I do for myself, I welcome my self care needs with open arms. But it doesn't stop there, one night a week I also do a deep facial mask while soaking in a Epsom salt bath....I know...insane right? NO! I DESERVE IT! I love putting my family first and wouldn't have it any other way. But that one night a week where I can escape into a tub of bubbles with a glass of Rosé and my face caked with a hydrating mask is the highlight of my week and I earned it!

5. LIFE IS TOO SHORT. You will always have somewhere to be, something to do, someone who needs you, so why not just press pause on all that and do you every once in awhile. Life is too short to not take care of yourself. Being a dedicated Thriving Wife/Mommy/Fitness Professional/Educator/Blogger is all incredibly I might as well look and feel good while I do it right? You only get one life.

So, the next time you are wondering if you should do that little something, or sneak in that little appointment, or pop into that little class the answer is YES. Always put yourself first and know that by doing so you are able to be the best version of yourself, therefore making the world around you a better place.

Trust, you do not want to see this mommy chasing three small boys without her lashes and nails done....especially if she hasn't gotten in her sweat session....recipe for disaster. #Truth

What self-care activities are an absolute must for you?

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