Thursday, September 28, 2017

30 Minute HIIT Treadmill Routine

I was never a runner and never wanted to be, let's get it straight. Granted, I had to run for soccer, softball, volleyball, basketball and my short stint with tennis, but I never was really into running as a sport. I mean, it's not like I joined cross country or anything, yikes!

However, as I got older and my organized sport days became less and less, I realized I may just have to get used to this whole running idea.... barf. After my first year in college, I started feeling more disgusting by the minute. Eating not so great foods and let’s be honest, drinking daily, was not having the greatest affect on my body or spirit. So, I broke down, I did the unthinkable, used my monthly rations to join a gym. I set out determined to get back to being that athletic beast I was used to being. Having never been a “gym rat”, I was pretty overwhelmed by all the equipment and didn’t even know what an elliptical was. So, I went to what I did recognize, the dreaded treadmill.

While trying to ignore the girls with perfectly styled down do's, prom prepped makeup faces and those catching up with friends via cell phone chats, I found a nice little machine in the corner. I jumped on that thing and just started to run.  Once I had a nice little 6.o pace going and I was starting to feel pretty good.  Well, that feel goodness only lasted about three minutes.  After that first time check all I could do was watch the seconds tick by; hating every bit of it. Keep in mind, when I was going through all this, the iPod was only a whisper in the halls of the Apple offices in Cupertino, not something eeevvvveryone had. So, I brought my super cool disc man and tried to make sure my pounding feet didn’t make the song skip.

I definitely didn’t love it while it was happening, but after each 20-30 minute run, I learned to accept it happening and appreciate the way it made me feel after.. As technology changed, I was thrilled to finally get an iPod; which meant I could now create some rockin' great playlists. I chose a ton of high intensity songs, anything worthy of making me want to dance...on a treadmill that is.

I also needed to get out of watch the clock mode, and just get lost in my mind.  With the music pumping, I put a towel over the screen to free myself. I also decided to make some serious adjustments to my routine I decided to add a little interval training, not only to get keep my body guessing, but to make the time go quicker. I swear, it works!

I am elated when I can sneak away from the madness of three little angels to power out a sprinting sweat session on my treadmill. It is a gift from the fitness Gods. Lucky for me I snagged a treadmill to keep downstairs since we all know getting to the gym these days is not. happening. If I can't enjoy my beloved sprints, I can always wear The Dude and power up some hills...let us not forget he is pushing 30 lbs!!!

Of course you can/should change the levels and intervals to meet your current fitness levels, but as always, you should alway be pushing out of your comfort zone too!

If you aren't challenging yourself, you aren't changing. Now go get it!

Strive to thrive, 

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