Preparing for Preschool - A Summer of Firsts

I have been incredibly (let me stress that again), incredibly lucky that my boys have only been cared for by myself, my Thriving Husband or Thriving Mommy. We have never had to face the financial and emotional struggle of day care and we are so grateful for that. My Thriving Mommy applied and was hired as my full service assistant back in 2014 and I am so lucky to have her.
While having the boys with us each moment has been amazing, it has made the natural progression of them going on without me that much harder. And now the time has come...preschool. They are only going for three half days a week, but the fact that they are going to school at all turns me into a puddle.
My bbbaaabbbiiieeesss!
In preparation for their newest transition into big boyhood this was a big summer for them, a summer of firsts!
In June, they went to their FIRST baseball game. We surprised daddy and took him to see his favorite team, the Oakland A's. Lucky for me, they were playing my (and my Poppa's) favorite team, the New York Yankees. We rode BART into the city and enjoyed the game with family on what was quite possibly the hottest day of the year...that part was awful.

In order to help these little men adjust to being away and feeling comfortable at their new school we signed them up for three day camps throughout the summer. The FIRST day of camp was a Dino Dig day filled with artifact hunting and lots of scooping...their favorite!
The second week of June kicked off their FIRST session of swim lessons. Despite swimming at home with us nearly every day, the idea of not getting in the water with mommy was a bit scary. Thankfully, by the second day they were loving splashing around with their teacher and new "friends".
To keep up the familiarity of school, the boys went back for their second day of camp which was all about bubbles! A real life "bubble lady" came for a full showcase on soap filled fun!
As their 3rd birthday quickly approached, it seemed only right to finally take them to see their FIRST movie, Cars 3. I was so impressed with how well they sat and watched the movie and of course shared their personal thoughts about each scene with the nearly empty theater (thank goodness)!

With their FIRST day of school coming fast they had one last day of camp. The "Lizard Wizard" came to their school to teach them all about slimy creatures and creepy crawlers. While the drop off seemed to be a bit harder this time, I am hopeful that the fun day in their classroom, with their teacher and new friends will make their first day easy as ice cream...and of course we will be celebrating their big day with my favorite tradition...after school milkshake date with Dude, Mommy, Daddy and Maj!
While I know growing up is all part of the deal when becoming a Thriving Mommy, it sure doesn't make it any easier. They are such little boys now and sometimes I can see a 16 year old staring back at me and I nearly fall to the floor in an emotional heap of despair. They just grow so fast.
So now, I will channel my courage, strength and pride as I walk my two angels to Room 2 and kiss them goodbye for the first of many, many days to come.
My sweet Clarke and J.R. I look forward to sharing each coming moment of educational excitement with you!!
When do your littles start school? How did you prepare for the FIRST of first days?
Strive to thrive,
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