How to Gift Experiences vs Toys This Year

This is it. Christmas crunch time.
The time when everyone is running around trying to get those last minute gifts, frantically wrap them up and nestle them under that glorious tree.
While I tend to be a "shop all year round" kind of gal, like my own Thring Mommy (always listening, grabbing things people want but then forget they want therefore making it more thrilling), I have started to noticed with my own kids, that all that shopping, wrapping, opening is well... really a waste.

It seems kids these days have so much that they cannot even really enjoy it all. I see this all too much with my own spoiled angelic boys. They live amongst toy overload. Thanks to me, they have everything they could ever want, and then is just too much.
I had intended to do a "no gifts" clause at their last birthday party, but forgot to mention it on their invitations (a mistake I am still sick about) and it was rather nauseating to watch them open a seemingly endless amount of gifts.

They tore through one thing and on to the next without appreciating the thought and generosity of the person who purchased the gift. While everything was exciting at first, they soon moved on to the next until it was over...then went back to playing with their favorite old toys. I was heartbroken. Something had to change.
After a "too much" Christmas last year, a "too much" Easter, a "too much" birthday, my Thriving Husband and I decided that was it. We are done with the toys, the stuff the will forget about in one minute. Now we are focusing on experiences and as Ralphie from @simplyonpurpose would say, "Gifts of Togetherness".
This year we decided to spend all that Christmas money on things that matter, living life with our boys and making memories that will last far beyond Christmas morning.

Instead of loading the living room with stuff, this year we invested in Legoland season passes (best money ever spent for SURE), a few days at Disneyland with family and friends and ONE big toy for Daddy and his boys to do TOGETHER (what it is however, will have to remain a secret...)
Not only do we want to give them gifts of togetherness, but we also want to teach them to be appreciative and grateful for all they do have and cherish their things. As I slowly weed out old, broken or misused toys I look forward to not replacing them. Rather we talk about how to care for our toys (no smashing into walls, no walking on books...ect) to show that we love them. We want them to learn how to be responsible for their things while also showing gratitude for what they have and what they receive.

Well, we this year and every year here after are dedicating ourselves to teaching our children what Christmas is really about. Magic, family traditions and the exciting experiences that come all year long...together.
And don't worry....they will still absolutely have things to open on Christmas morning....geez, I am not monster!
What are your thoughts on Christmas gifts? Gotten out of control or bring it on, you love a loaded tree?
Strive to thrive,
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