Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Twins Turn Two

It really does feel like yesterday I was welcoming my two boys into the world. Hard to really comprehend and accept that they are two years old. TWO years old?! It is too much for this mommy's heart to bear.

The past two years have been filled with lots of laughter, endless amounts of love and exciting learning experiences. Figuring out how to do everything in double time has been eye opening...to say the least. Each day seems to get crazier than the last and I am more thankful every day for the constant support I have from my Thriving Husband and Mommy. The boys and I are so lucky!

As they have grown, their personalities have developed and couldn't be more different.

Brother kisses!
J.R. (Peanut) is very by the book. He follows rules and make sure his brother does too. We know Clarkey-Puss is up to no good when we hear Peanut's strong, "No, no no" throughout the house. He loves to help out with daily chores, clean up and make sure that everything is in order...sound like someone you know?! He is a bit more cautious and often waits to see what his crazy brother does before he follows suit. My sweet Peanut loves to snuggle, eat, dance and drive...he is behind the wheel any chance he gets! Let's not forget his obsession with his beloved "Trrruuuuccckkkkkk".

Clarke (-y Puss) is our resident wild child. He pushes boundaries and shares his mischievous giggle all.day.long. He sprints to get around, climbs on everything and loves to make a mess. Reading on any lap he can find is one of the many highlights of his day. He has no fear and never hesitates to try new things. My Puss is definitely a mama's boy (which I love) and can often be found clinging to my side. My darling boy loves to snuggle, chat, dance and crash cars. He too loves a good truck, car or airplane and never fails to point out every one.

This past year they boys learned how to walk, run and ride.

Ridin' Dirty on their favorite Wheely Bugs!
They eat like they are about to enter high school and don't show signs of slowing down. I thank G every day for my Costco membership...I go at least once a week to stock up.

Both endured their first big boy haircut with pretty stellar attitudes despite their mommy stifling her tears the entire time. Bonus? Their first lollipop!

We prepared and took on potty training in full force...but pulled back some of the pressure to where they have the control...for now.

They spent time learning to swim and hitting every splash pad we can find. We are so serious about water features we even got our very own water shoes!

They've been tapping into their creative sides with lots of outdoor art sessions.

We prepared for their second birthday by slowly moving them into their new "big boy" room and reading as many big brother books as we can find.

While they don't know their little worlds are soon to be turned upside down when their little brother arrives, I unfortunately do. I try to remind myself each day that we only have limited time to savor it being "just us". These boys have already grown so fast I am terrified to think ahead at how quickly it will fly by when I am consumed with caring for a newborn. So for now, I will relish in each moment with my delicious two year olds and pray that time slows down for us.

Happy Birthday to my biggest boys...you are now officially TWO!

How did you handle your babies growing so fast into toddlerhood?

Strive to thrive, 

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