Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How to Create a Wonderous Window

I love dish towels. Not only the ones you actually use to dry your hands after doing dishes and whatnot, but also the ones that should never be touched. "Show towels" I call them. I have had some made for me, some hand picked by close friends and even some fab flea finds.  All of them I love equally and all of them I want to showcase. But I have found over the years that  anything hanging within reach in the kitchen may be used by an unknowing TH...who then will be screamed at, "Don't use that to dry the counter!!! Get away!!!"

The best way to keep your precious dishtowels in display but safe from a dirty hand...create a wondrous window to admire!

I always wanted a window above my kitchen sink and not having one in my last house made me a bit sad. Thankfully my dream home came well equipped with not only a perfect sink window, but also mountain views anywhere you looked. I consulted with my TM on my idea and she took it to the next level (as she always does) and inspired me to take my towels up, up and away to really make a statement...brilliant that one is! 

I took my collection and laid it out to see what I was working with. I then attached a thick piece of ribbon to both corners of the window.  Once my design was laid out, I neatly folded my favorites in thirds and set them neatly over the ribbon. I took a few minutes to ensure they were spaced evenly before stepping back to see my work.  Bbbbbeeaaaaauitful!

Putting a few finishing touches on this "statement window was a must.  There was a perfect spot above for my favorite, handmade wooden sign courtesy of my favorite Busy Brunette, Shell.

On either side of the window I used my assorted hooks and hung my knick knacks so I could look at them lovingly while doing the (never ending) dishes. 

I set my little Buddah in the window to offer calm energy into my kitchen and remind me to take three conscious breaths.

In the center of it all sat the two little birds that spoke nothing but the truth....

Loving my new window and making my whisper of mint kitchen the best place for a Thriving Wife and mommy to be!

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