Friday, April 9, 2021
Recipe - Mexican Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob is one of my favorite warm weather treats. I love it on the BBQ, in the oven, buttery or spicy. As long as I have my floss at the ready, I really could eat it all the time. When I found this super easy recipe for Mexican corn on the cob, I decided to try it for myself , thank you Damn Delicious, you've done it again!

To get started, keep preheat your oven to 350 degrees and throw your corn in, husks and all. Cook for about 45 minutes or until tender.
With the husks and weird stringy things husks leave behind all removed, it is time to get your assembly line ready: butter, chili powder, cilantro, cheese and lime juice.
Rub on as much butter as your little heart desires. I like to rub it on and let it pool on my plate for good measure.
With the butter sinking in to each kernel, go ahead and sprinkle on the chili powder to your taste and sprinkle on some cilantro...
The grated cheese...
Then pour on the fresh lime juice...
Serve and eat immediately. The hot, tangy, cheesy flavors are too much, each bite leaves you wanting more!!! Serve as a side for your favorite Mexican meal or eat it as the main event. Either way, it is sure to please.
What are your favorite corn on the cob recipes? Have any that are worth trying this summer?
Strive to thrive,
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Let's HIIT It!

I welcome cardio with wiiiide open arms. The harder the
better. The sweatier the better. The more intense...the better. While I know
some Thriving Wives out there may shy away from all that, I just can't seem to
grasp why. I mean, I know I am a bit "loco", but I still think we all
should want some sort of intense workout that leaves us completely
dead/rejuvenated all at the same
Well, helping
people fall in love with fitness all the while motivating and inspiring is exactly why
I became a fitness instructor and personal trainer in the first place. I take
great joy in sharing the latest research and trends of a healthy, active
lifestyle with anyone who will listen. I have seen incredibly results from
those who have taken my advice and have truly accepted that to be "fit"
is not to jump on the latest diet fad, but to change your entire outlook on
life and how you live it.
As a busy mommy of
four little boys, I am constantly on the move. We run, climb and
play most of our days and I make sure to close ALL my rings on my Apple Watch daily, but for me, that still isn't enough. I need more. So, I always make sure to get in my own crazy sweat session each morning.
I strive to get at least 20-60 minutes of (high intensity) aerobic
exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I also include strength training on
alternating days to ensure I am maintaining a complete physical activity
program for both muscular and cardiorespiratory health. While that seems like
a lot, once you make this routine a part of your life it seems like nothing.
Especially when you can knock out a serious sweat session in 20 minutes!
intrigued? Well, read on..
Where should
you start?
Before beginning
any new training, you of course want to make sure you are in good health and
have been cleared by a doctor for any preexisting conditions. Also, before you
take on any serious new workouts with high levels of
intensity (like HIIT), I, as a professional, would suggest establishing a base
level of fitness.
What is a base
level of fitness?
A base fitness
level is consistent (yes,
that means regular) aerobic training at least 3-5 days a week at a moderate
level of intensity. If that means a brisk walk with the stroller, great. A jog,
hike, bike ride or fitness class will all do. You know you have reached level
by taking a simple "talk test", trying to carry on a conversation
during exercise...with difficulty. That is key. You do not want to be chatting
it up easily, that means you aren't quite there. In an effort to avoid any
injuries, you always want to make sure your body is ready to take on a new
workout....Safety first as they say...

What would a HIIT workout look like?
These workouts are
super easy to do, with just about any exercise as they are all about time
intervals. The whole goal of the workout is to push it HARD, then recover. Push
it HARD again, recover. On and on until the time is up. Yes, you will be out of
breath. Yes, you may feel like you are can't go on. But I assure you, the more
you do it, the sooner you will see results. And as soon as you start feeling
the amazing benefits of this exercise routine you too will be hooked.
For your
intervals, I suggest the intense work periods range from 30 seconds to 2
minutes and are performed at 80% to 95% of a your estimated maximal heart rate
(the maximum number of times your heart will beat in a minute without
overexerting yourself).
The recovery
periods may last equally as long as the work periods (but can be less) and are
usually performed at 40% to 50% of a person’s estimated maximal heart
The workout
continues with the alternating work and totaling 20-60 minutes.
I typically stick to one
minute on, one minute off or 30 seconds on 10 seconds off. Really depends
on my mood. I can always adjust to ensure I am still pushing myself but not
overexerting. For example, high knees for a minute (concentrating on good
form and a tight tummy) then straight into plank for one minute, which I would
consider the recovery. You could also just sprint down your driveway for one
minute then slowly walk/jog back for recovery ten times...the possibilities are

Why would I (or
anyone for that matter) want to do this rather than a 30 minute jog?
Well, because this
is going to work you harder....
"HIIT workouts can be performed on all exercise modes,
including cycling, walking, swimming, aqua training, elliptical cross-training,
and in many group exercise classes. HIIT workouts provide similar fitness
benefits as continuous endurance workouts, but in shorter periods of time. This
is because HIIT workouts tend to burn more calories than traditional workouts,
especially after the workout."
"The post-exercise period is called “EPOC”, which
stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This is generally about a
2-hour period after an exercise bout where the body is restoring itself to
pre-exercise levels, and thus using more energy. Because of the vigorous
contractile nature of HIIT workouts, the EPOC generally tends to be modestly
greater, adding about 6 to 15% more calories to the overall workout energy
expenditure". - ACSM
And, #boom,
there you have it.

Hmmmm, it sounds worth it, but I think I will die...will I die?
Well, that depends
on your definition of "death". If yours includes thoughts of
quitting, being out of breath, muscles burning, wanting to scream out as you
force yourself to push through...then yes. You will die. But what a sweet
death it will be.
If you want to
make the most of your workout, see results and feel amazing...then HIIT is defs
worth a shot.
Want more
information or help on developing an introductory HIIT workout for yourself?
Please do not hesitate to email I am always happy to
assist any TW in getting motivated to take on a fit and healthy life!
Have you tried the
HIIT craze or are you not feeling anything with the word "intense"
included in it?
Strive to thrive,
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Recipe - Oh So Easy Ice Cream Sammies

Summer is here! And for me, summer is a time to eat ice cream. Well, who am I kidding...any season is a time to eat ice cream.
Since our house... A) Loves summer B) Loves ice cream and C) Loves cookies...the boys asked if we could make our very own ice cream cookie sandwiches. My answer, of course!
We baked some cookies the day before, made some ice cream using one of my favorite appliances and set up our work space. Cookies, ice cream and of course, assorted sprinkles!
I laid down some wax paper so after the boys put them together, they could roll in sprinkles and then wrap them up in wax paper to be stored for later.
I scooped out some fresh ice cream, placed on the top cookie and the boys squished it down to perfection. The goal was to have a slight ice cream ooze...all the better to sprinkle with!
Next up, they choose a sprinkle and just rolled the ice cream ooze to make sure each part was evenly blasted with a pop of sugary color!
Next, wrap the wax paper around the cookie, secured with a colorful sticker and stored away in the freezer.
So easy and SO fun! Cookie, ice cream, sprinkle, WRAP!
We now have sweet desserts for those late summer nights by the pool!
Now all I want to do is make all sorts of different kinds! I am thinking a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie with Mexican chocolate ice cream? Who's with me?!
What suggestions do you have? Any sammies you wish you could now?
Strive to Thrive,