It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - Outdoor Decor

Once again the holiday season has crept out of nowhere and is busy spreading its magic...especially at our house! Now that the boys are a older and are starting to delight in all the goings-on it is more magical than ever. I love nothing more than getting to experience one of my favorite times of year through their little eyes. It doesn't hurt that I still strongly believe in Santa and am the biggest kid of all when it comes to Christmas.
As soon as Thanksgiving week had rolled around I couldn't contain my excitement to start decorating any longer. My Thriving Husband helped me pull the boxes out of the basement and the whole family set out to decorate the front yard.
Thankfully I am a reusing, recycling professional so a good 99% of our outdoor decor is stuff I have had for years....and got at the Dollar Tree...or Michael's for 90% off.
One of my favorite items is my collection of glittery bows from the "Tree". I stick them on anything I can find as they have proven to be weather resistant throughout the years and never seem to lose their sparkly appeal.
This year I also scored these great solar candy cane lights to line our walkway...LOVE!
Let us not forget my all time favorite decorations...the huge ornament. I cannot even begin to describe how much use I have gotten from these over the years. For only $1 each they have MORE than paid for themselves 300 times over!
We were given these great, huge wooden reindeer this year and loved having them "graze" on our front lawn. The boys and I even gave one a red nose!
Since we have a huge gate in our front yard it is only fair that it be gift wrapped with a big huge bow!
And don't forget the white lights along our fence!
Despite living up in the country where few see our decorations and share in our hard work, we love to do it. Granted, I wish we could light this mother up in order to see it from space, but alas, I am content with our classy little touches and loved nothing more than decorating with the boys...they are just the best helpers!
What are your favorite outdoor decorations? You all lights all night or more of a day decorator?
Stay tuned for my indoor transformation coming Thursday!
Strive to thrive,
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